woman wearing white layered silk handmade dress in the forest

Quartz and Silk Sculptural Dress

2020 View project
woman wearing Necklace made of Stalaktit & red Carnelian, glass and bauxite beads

Stalaktit & Carnelian Necklace

2020 View project
woman wearing tan and dark brown Handspun handwoven Colorgrown Cotton Box Top while standing in a creek

Handspun Colorgrown Cotton Box Top

2020 View project
Woman wearing Handwoven blue, tan and brown Handspun Cotton box Top with blue pants

Handspun Colorgrown Cotton Top

2020 View project
woman wearing Handwoven red, white, orange, green, purple, brown and black shawl standing in the desert

Rainbow Pieces Handwoven Blanket

2020 View project
Hand holding silver hoop necklace with purple amethyst spears protruding from the bottom.

Amethyst Moon Necklace

2020 View project
woman wearing brown, grey, red and yellow vest with fringe

Handwoven Vest

2020 View project
Woman wearing blue and grey dress

Silver Web Raw Silk Dress

2020 View project
torso of woman wearing pink robe and Freeform knot work tube necklace with rose quartz spears protruding from it

Crystal Creature Talisman Necklace

2020 View project
woman wearing Highly textured green and brown cloak that looks like feathers

Leaf Cape

2020 View project