On the banks of the Yellowstone River bald eagles watch as i wade into the rushing silty waters. The rivers of Montana are the lines upon which the stories of time in that place are written. Geologic time tumbles over our toes, freezing water pressing it forward.

This chalcedony stone is the essence of deep winter ice solidified into stone. It is bound into a basket of knotwork and joined by beads of fluorite. From a cord of felted merino this talisman hangs.

These pieces are part of The Movement of Stones Project.

A white colored female form mannequin wears a sculptural necklace of a light grey felted cord, dark purple basket with a white chalcedony stone
Snowmelt & Deep Aquifers stone and fiber adornment by Jeannie Ortiz
A white colored female form mannequin wears a sculptural necklace of a light grey felted cord, dark purple basket with a white chalcedony stone
Snowmelt & Deep Aquifers stone and fiber adornment by Jeannie Ortiz
A white colored female form mannequin wears a sculptural necklace of a light grey felted cord, dark purple basket with a white chalcedony stone
Snowmelt & Deep Aquifers stone and fiber adornment by Jeannie Ortiz
A white colored female form mannequin wears a sculptural necklace of a light grey felted cord, dark purple basket with a white chalcedony stone
Snowmelt & Deep Aquifers stone and fiber adornment by Jeannie Ortiz
A white colored female form mannequin wears a sculptural necklace of a light grey felted cord, dark purple basket with a white chalcedony stone
Snowmelt & Deep Aquifers stone and fiber adornment by Jeannie Ortiz

Auxiliary along the Yellowstone.

A white colored female form mannequin wears a sculptural necklace of blue green river tumbled stones and white glass beads
Yellow Rock River sculptural stone adornment by Jeannie Ortiz
A white colored female form mannequin wears a sculptural necklace of white and blue river tumbled stones and turquoise glass beads
Yellow Rock River sculptural stone adornment by Jeannie Ortiz