Myco Talisman
Ancient shapes in ancient materials

Handwoven & Beaded Silk Pouch with Dinosaur Fossil Mushroom Pendant

"Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect" - Chief Seattle, 1854

Residing within the handwoven silk pouch is a mushroom talisman carved from fossilized dinosaur bone. The cellular structure of the bone is still visible, fossilized in a rainbow of stone.

The pouch itself was woven out of hand dyed raw silk and beaded with glass beads from Africa. The string upon which the pouch hangs was beaded with African glass beads, Afghan Jade, Labradorite and Citrine.

detail of yellow brown and green beaded necklace with a brown and yellow woven pouch with white beadwork on a white mannequin
Myco Talisman necklace by Jeannie Ortiz
yellow brown and green beaded necklace with a brown and yellow woven pouch with white beadwork on a white mannequin
Myco Talisman necklace by Jeannie Ortiz