A river flows, polishing the past and letting us remember.
This piece was constructed around three pieces of petrified wood that were found and drilled by me. The beads joining these stones are 19th C. carnelian rounds, fossilized coral and other carnelian tubular beads. At the back is a small amount of knotwork and a sterling silver clasp.
The necklace measures 19.5 inches around.
Hand drilled petrified wood, fossilized coral and carnelian adornment by Jeannie OrtizHand drilled petrified wood, fossilized coral and carnelian adornment by Jeannie OrtizHand drilled petrified wood, fossilized coral and carnelian adornment by Jeannie OrtizHand drilled petrified wood, fossilized coral and carnelian adornment by Jeannie OrtizHand drilled petrified wood, fossilized coral and carnelian adornment by Jeannie OrtizHand drilled petrified wood, fossilized coral and carnelian adornment by Jeannie OrtizHand drilled petrified wood, fossilized coral and carnelian adornment by Jeannie Ortiz